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University Bursar Sanctions First Requisition on The MakFMS System


By Arthur Moses Opio

At the launch of the Financial Management System on the 10th of July, 2024.

The University Bursar said, 

The system will enable the cost centres to manage their own budgets unlike the public system, IFMIS which consolidates unit budgets as a whole.

The Mak Financial Management System Developed By DICTS Commissioned. 

After the launch, DICTS continued to operationalise the implementation of the MakFMS system through training of users in the Bursar's unit, colleges and administrative units. Users with different high level roles like the Bursar, Directors, etc. were given access rights to enable do roles like sanction.

As of today, 15 August, 2024, The University Bursar, Evarist Bainomugisha is sanctioned the first requisition online on the MAK FMS system.

Bursar sanctions first online voucher
The University  Bursar sanctioning the first  requisition online on the MAK FMS

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